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All-American Contest Changes

Purebred Publishing

The All-American Contest is a time-honored tradition that dates back decades of generations. The Holstein World has conducted this contest for 96 years and for 13 years a Jersey contest for Jersey exhibitors that followed the traditional style of the Holstein contest. In 2017 a junior contest was added for the Jersey breed in the style and tradition of the Junior Holstein contest which has been conducted for 67 years. Originally labeled the ABA or All-Breed Access contest – as the new owners of Holstein World we are changing the reference for the contests to the Purebred All-American Contests.

Along with this slight name change a few other changes are also being instituted to provide efficiency, lower costs for nominations and transition into a more technologically advanced mode of selection.

We at Purebred Publishing are no strangers to the All-American contests and are fully vested in the value and significance they play in the breeds. We promise to continue to strive for fairness, for integrity and for increased value in honoring the truly great cows of this year’s tanbark.

Entry forms and online forms will be available in the September issue of the Holstein World, the Fall issue of the Purebred Dairy Breeders’ Magazine and are online at Forms will be available at the Purebred Publishing booth in Harrisburg, Madison and Louisville as well as available for download at and

Rules & Changes

Qualification Rules remain the same. Show result submission change

An animal must place:

1 – 12 at International Show or

1 – 10 at 10 other US National Holstein Shows (Mideast, Northeast, Southern, Midwest &, Western Spring shows; Mideast Summer Show; Midwest, Western, Northeast, Eastern & MidEast Fall Shows)/ Jersey – Harrisburg, Louisville, Western National and the Royal or

1-3 at any show in which 150 Holsteins or 100 Jerseys are shown in US. Results must be submitted to Purebred Publishing by November 1. (Contact show management to ensure they are sent to Purebred Publishing by November 1) or

1st place at State Holstein Shows, Regional Shows & State Fairs in the US. Results must be submitted to Purebred Publishing by November 1. (Contact your show management to ensure that they are sent to Purebred Publishing by designated time.)

All-American Group Class Entries in the Open All-American contest will be accepted as shown in the ring. Therefore, any entry that is qualified and placed at a show will be eligible for the contest in the class. (Show placings MUST be sent to Purebred Publishing by November 1 from show manage- ment to be verified.)

Exhibitor must be in good standing with Purebred Publishing. Classes remain the same as previous years.

Entry form & copy of registration certificate will be required or attached on the online entry form.

Deadline ENTRY Change:

Entry Deadline – NOVEMBER 15 / Late Entry – NOVEMBER 25 / Photo deadline NOVEMBER 30

Entry procedure & photo change:

Animals may be entered via form or electronic online form available at and

All open class entries will be charged $10 per entry payable at the time of entry by credit card (online) or check made out to Purebred Publishing if hard copy is submitted.

An electronic photo must also be sent to or submitted by a professional cattle photographer to Purebred Publishing by the due date. Any photos of entries not received by Purebred Publishing by the due date, will result in a disqualification of entries.

All show results must be listed on the entry form and will be verified from submitted show reports. Those shows listed, but that cannot be verified due to no submitted show reports, will be omitted from the information sent to the nomination committee.

Judging PROCEEDURE Change:

HOLSTEIN: A nominating committee will consist of the 11 National Holstein Show judges. (In the event a judge is the official in two or more National shows, they receive only ONE vote.) They will consider the photographs and verified placings of the animals for which an entry form has been received. They will submit their ranked selections to Purebred Publishing for tallying. In the event of a tie, the animal with the most number 1 votes would be the designated nominee. Judges will be asked to refrain from judging classes in which they have any ownership, breeding, housing or any other significant affiliation with animals. The junior nominating committee panel will consist of the 11 judges from the 11 junior shows.

JERSEY: The Jersey contest nomination committee for both open and junior will be the judges from Harrisburg, Madison, Louisville, Oregon Western National and the Royal along with any associates from those shows. Their votes will be handled the same as above and judges with animal affiliations in classes will be asked to refrain from judging those specific classes.

ROUND 2: The Holstein nominees will then be submitted to a panel of judges from the leading shows across the United States, associates of the National Shows and the National Show judges again.

The Jersey nominees will be submitted to a panel of judges consisting of those judges, associates and judges from additional leading shows across the United States.

The selections from this second judging panel will be assigned the traditional point numbers: 1st choice – 7 points; 2nd choice – 3 points; 3rd choice - 1 point to designate the All-American, Res. All-American & Honorable Mentions of the contest. In the event of a tie, again, the animal with the most AA votes would be the designated winner and continuing the tie breaker with the second most RA votes and so on. High Honorable Mention will be 20 points or more, Honorable Mention will be 15-19 points.


A $10 per entry charge will be implemented to enter the open Holstein World All-American or Purebred All-American Jersey contest. Entries will be accepted online or via mail by November 15. A $30 per entry late fee will be assessed between November 15 and November 25.

The Junior contests will remain free for entry.

ALL Nominated animals in the contests will be presented in the February issue of the Holstein World.

All entries selected as nominees in the open Holstein and Jersey contests will be required to pay a nomination fee of $150. The fee will be waived if an ad of a half page or larger is placed in the February or March issue of the Holstein World.

An alternate nominee will be designated by vote in each class and if nomination fee is not paid within 10 days of notification, the alternate will be designated as a nominee.

The All-American winners will be announced in the March issue of the Holstein World.

People’s Choice Selections

Purebred Publishing will continue the tradition of a People’s Choice contest as well as an All-American people’s judging contest. It will be available for electronic judging at and after the nominees have been selected. The results for this contest will be published in the Purebred Dairy Breeders’ Magazine available April 1 to subscribers!


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