MERIDIAN, Idaho (Dec. 12, 2018) -- Dairy farmers and industry partners gathered in Boise for Dairy West's recent annual meeting. The group, formerly known as United Dairymen of Idaho, gave out several awards at the event to honor dairy farmers and industry leaders who have had a significant impact on the dairy community:

* MILK QUALITY AWARD WINNER -- Erik Peterson, Erik Peterson Dairy, Filer, Idaho, ships milk to Dairy Farmers of America, which nominated Peterson for the award. Peterson and his wife, Kathy, milk 110 cows. The dairy attributes its high-quality milk to consistent practices, clean facilities and cows, and paying close attention to detail.

* FRIEND OF THE INDUSTRY AWARD WINNER -- Larry Hayhurst, former Idaho State Brand Inspector, Nampa, Idaho. Hayhurst, who retired in April, served as the state brand inspector for 27 years protecting livestock owners throughout Idaho. In that capacity, he also served as president of the Western State Livestock Investigators Association from 1999 to 2000 and as president of the International Livestock Identification Association from 2000 to 2001.

* HALL OF FAME INDUCTEE -- Brent Jackson, Jackson's Farms, Meridian, Idaho. A third-generation dairyman, Jackson has worked in the business for more than 60 years. He and his son, Clint, work the family farm Brent's father, Stanley Jackson, established in 1953. The 100-plus-acre farm maintains a herd of 650 Jerseys and is only one of five dairies left in Meridian. Jackson has a long history of serving the dairy industry and the state of Idaho. A member of the board of directors for Dairymen's Creamery Association Inc., he also spent eight years on Darigold's board, including stints as vice president and treasurer, and four years on the Idaho Cooperative Council board, where he was elected vice president. Jackson also was appointed by the governor to Idaho's correctional industries advisory board -- the state penitentiary owned and operated a dairy -- where he served for two terms. Jackson's service to youth organizations includes donating heifers to the Treasure Valley FFA Dairy Replacement Project and serving as a merit badge counselor for the Boy Scouts of America. Jackson was one of the first Treasure Valley dairy farmers to employ artificial insemination with his herd, and he has milked a wide array of breeds, including Jerseys, Holsteins, Ayrshires, Brown Swiss, and Guernseys. His farm has provided countless dairy tours for the public, he served as grand marshal of the 2018 Meridian Dairy Days Parade, and the Western Idaho Fair named his clan the 2016 Farm Family Today. Among his other accolades are Milk Quality Awards from Dairymen's Creamery Association, Glanbia, and Darigold.
ABOUT DAIRY WEST -- Dairy West is a regional dairy promotion organization established in 2017 to represent dairy farmers, processors, and supply chain partners in Idaho and Utah. A Qualified Program regulated by the USDA National Dairy Promotion & Research Board, the 501(c)(6) organization raises awareness of the importance of dairy farming, promotes the health and nutritional benefits of dairy foods, and encourages global demand for Idaho and Western U.S. dairy foods through coordinated marketing and communications efforts, nutrition counseling, and research programs. Visit for more information.