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Focus on Cow Comfort and Behavior Delivers Returns for Dairy Farmers

Purebred Publishing

Hear from Leading Experts at PDPW Dairy Wellbeing Workshops, Feb. 12 & 13

DAIRY NEWS – A one-day workshop will feature leading cow behavior and animal welfare experts and provide dairy farmers and allied industry with new perspectives on how to help farms better meet the health and behavioral needs of top-performing dairy cows.

Dairy farmers, herdsman and industry professionals are invited to the 2019 PDPW Dairy Wellbeing Workshop presented by Professional Dairy Producers® (PDPW). Two repeating sessions of the Workshop will be held, each starting at 8:30 a.m. and ending at 3:30 p.m., on Tuesday, Feb. 12 and Wednesday, Feb. 13, both at the Tundra Lodge Resort Waterpark and Conference Center in Green Bay, Wis.

Each Workshop will feature a guided tour of American Foods Group, the 5th largest beef processing company, located in Green Bay. See and hear firsthand, as well as hear from beef buyers, market experts and USDA meat inspectors about body condition of cull cows at the facility.

Building off the tour, Workshop trainers will include Jennifer Van Os, PhD, assistant professor of dairy science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and UW-Extension animal welfare specialist, and Nigel Cook, DVM, chair of the Department of Medical Sciences and professor in food animal production at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Veterinary Medicine, and manager of the Dairyland Initiative. Sessions include:

Good welfare across the life cycle – providing opportunities for important cow behaviors. Dr. Van Os will outline important behaviors of dairy cattle and how producers can provide appropriate outlets and facilities for them to express these behaviors for healthier animals and better management practices.

Constructing a continuous improvement plan with the dairy cow in mind. Dr. Cook will walk participants through results of animal welfare audits focused on minimizing injuries and lameness in cattle. He will provide practical tips and insights to remove bottlenecks in dairy barns and boost cow wellbeing.

“We are constantly looking to improve our barns, parlors and other facilities on our farm to make them more comfortable and safer for both animals and our team,” said Katy Schultz, of Fox Lake, Wis. “The Workshop will provide the insights and research results to help make those improvement-decisions, which will benefit our animal health and bottom line.”

To learn more about the PDPW Dairy Wellbeing Workshop and to register, visit or contact PDPW at 1-800-947-7379. Follow along digitally in advance of and during the event by following @dairyPDPW and using #DairyWellbeing2019 on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Dairy Wellbeing Workshop is an accredited training and offers up to 5.0 Dairy AdvanCE continuing education units (CEUs) for each day. To learn more or secure credits, visit Up to 6.1 CEU Credits are available to UW-School of Veterinary medicine (UW-SVM) and up to 7.0 CEU Credits are available to the American Registry of Professional Scientists (ARPAS) members.


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