A legacy that began in 1904 when the Holstein-Friesian World published its first magazine bringing Holstein breeders across the country together in one publication. Now 115 years later – a new chapter is beginning as the family owned company passes the torch of ownership to publishers, Purebred Publishing, publishers of purebred dairy cattle publications since 1999.
“It is an honor, once again, to produce and now own, a communication and marketing magazine with so much history and continued potential surrounding the registered Holstein industry. Purebred Publishing is dedicated to bringing the news of the purebred dairy industry to the breeders across the country, to provide dairy breeders with a go-to spot for marketing and communications. Many of our existing clients have multiple breeds including Holsteins, so we are excited to be able to offer even more services to all of them for that one-stop shop for marketing. Our goals for the Holstein World products will be to continue to offer the great news stories about cow families, shows and the Holstein breeders themselves as well as offer an exciting vehicle of communication for the breed,” said Cheri Oechsle, Managing Editor of Purebred Publishing.
Purebred Publishing CEO Doug Granitz says, “This acquisition is a very important step in our plan for expanded service to livestock breeders. Continuing Holstein World’s 115-year commitment to the Holstein breed is fundamental to our growth strategy. We are energized to see the great things the Holstein breed brings and the influence the breed has within the dairy industry. The Purebred staff has an ongoing commitment to the success of the dairy industry as most of our team are active breeders and exhibitors themselves. We are committed to move forward with this product and continue building the legacy of excellence that is the Holstein World.”
Effective with the February issue now in production and going forward, the print publication and its related digital activities will be owned and operated by this media service firm that has been producing high quality publications for dairy breeds since 1999. The Holstein World products will be operated by Purebred Publishing under the direction of Cheri Oechsle, the managing editor. Oechsle grew up with Registered Holsteins on her family’s farm and continues owning and developing, with her husband and sons, both Black and White and Red and White Holsteins. She and the Purebred team will continue the legacy established so many years ago.
Longtime editor and publisher Joel Hastings says, “After three generations of my family’s involvement in the World, it’s gratifying to see the magazine move to a new home where service to purebred dairy cattle breeders is fundamental. We know Purebred Publishing is uniquely suited to build on our traditions, providing new opportunities to benefit readers, advertisers and the Holstein industry at large. We’re delighted Holstein World has a very suitable new home!”
Hastings confirms that DairyBusiness Digital media also owned by HFW Communications, Inc., formerly the parent company of Holstein World, will continue under his direction. Included here are twice-monthly DairyBusiness digital magazines, a weekly e-newsletter and an active website – dairybusiness.com - providing news and management information for dairy producers, agri-service personnel and suppliers.
Purebred Publishing adds the products of the Holstein World to their growing roster of multiple breed magazines and news sites including purebrednews.com, the Ayrshire Digest, the Brown Swiss Bulletin, the Guernsey Breeders’ Journal and the Milking Shorthorn Journal. Purebred Publishing is headquartered in Columbus, Ohio.
For more information contact Cheri Oechsle at purebred.editor@gmail.com or call 614.339.5393 or Joel Hastings at jhastings@dairybusiness.com or call 559.440.9220.