Chris Hill of Thurmont, Maryland, is the lead judge in this morning's show (October 2). Robert Teixteira of Keyes, California is his Associate.
Thank you to our sponsor for helping provide coverage of this show.

Continue to watch for the top placers and photos throughout the morning and for a full gallery, visit later this week for ALL the photos that Purebred photographers capture throughout the week!
Spring Calves
Jenlar Solomon Mara (Solomon), Brianna Meyer, Chilton, WI
Red-Brae Doorman Theresa-ET (Doorman), Elise & Brady Bleck, Glenbeulah, WI
Show-Mar D-Back Uppercut (Diamondback), Dylan Brantner, Evans City, PA
Siemers Jby Glauco 29165-ET (Jacoby), Jake, Connor & Lauren Siemers, Newton, WI
T-Triple-T Prime Suspect (Byway), Colton Thomas, North Lewisburg, OH

Winter Calves
Keystone Solomon Allstar (Solomon) Ella M Hlavaty, Lititz, PA
Ms Pg Pv Beem Of Light (Beemer), H&H McIssac & M, M&M Price, Martinton, IL
Pfaffsway Defiant Jen A (Defiant), Kole & Beau Trapp, Olivia Pfaff & Fred Ullom, Taylor, WI
Fairmont Avalanche Amelia-ET (Avalanche), Jayden & Kennedy Kimball & Noah Reid, Windham, ME
RJohn Prestige Champion (Doorman), Dawson Nickels, Madison & Melanie Sarbacker, Watertown, WI

Fall Calves
Knonaudale Snylodge Jasmine (Jacoby), Makayla & Kaleb Osinga, Hico, TX
Savage-Leigh Lalas First-ET (Doorman), Chase Savage, Union Bridge, MD
Ryan-Vu Doorman Risin Shine (Doorman), Dylan & Cameron Ryan, Fond Du Lac, WI
Ransom-Rail Adhere Willow (Adhere), Mallory Rhodes, Millport, NY
Zehrview Aftershock Hi-Whey (Aftershock) Rsalee Zehr, Pontiac, IL

Summer Yearlings
Blondin Solomon Havanna-ET (Solomon), M, M & M Price & A & B Ekovich, Martinton, IL
Petitclerc Solomn Ashlyn-ET (Solomon), Brandon Almeida, Hilmar, CA
KnH-Endres Diamondback Onya (Diamondback), Mikayla Endres, Lone Rock, WI
Crowleyview Doorman Luxi (Doorman), J, L & M Harbaugh & A & A Loehr, Marion, WI
Liddleholme Dback Thunder (Doorman), Alexis C. Papageorge, Farr West, UT

Spring Yearlings
Petitclerc Doorman Sapphire-ET (Doorman), Grant Vosters, Freedom, WI
Plum-Line Extra Naughty (Lotus), Brooke & John Carey, Titusville, PA
Stranshome Dempsey Tanielle (Dempsey), Joseph, Zach, Jerome & Darian Stransky, Owatonna, MN
Siemers Blake Glandeur-ET (Blake), Jake, Connor & Lauren Siemers, Newton, WI
Heart & Soul JK Solmn Glitter (Solomon), Matthew Boop, MIllmont, PA

Winter Yearlings
Budjon-Abbott Alexandra-ET (Doorman), Kaelyn, Kenadee & Keegan Weigel, Platteville, WI
Hatee Jacoby Paris (Jacoby), Alyson & Kenlee Philips, Lingleville, TX
Heart & Soul Gold Runway (Gold Chip), Matt Boop, Madison & F. Hayden Weaver, Millmont, PA
Country Path Solo Perfume (Solomon), Jessica Nolt, Hartley, TX
Toppglen Atwood Winner-ET (ATwood), Brennan, Marissa & Logan Topp, New Bremen, OH

Fall Yearlings
Budjon-Vail Drm Sunshine-ET (Doorman), Trevor Tuman & Chandler Bening, Arlington, MN
Kingsway Gold Chip Logic (Gold Chip), Alyson & Kenlee Philips, Lingleville, TX
Tombeth Ettakaw (Brokaw), Sarah Kearns, Gays Mills, WI
Sunnyside Nancy Doorman-ET (Doorman), Joseph W. Schuh, Seymour, WI
Lars-Acres Airlift Fareway (Airlift), Brooke, Dane & Luke Trustem & Ellie Larson, Evansville, WI

Junior Champion Best Bred & Owned
Savage-Leigh Lalas First-ET owned by Chase Savage, Union Bridge, MD
Junior Champion of the Junior Show
Budjon-Abbott Alexandra-ET (Doorman), Kaelyn, Kenadee & Keegan Weigel, Platteville, WI
Reserve Junior Champion of the Junior Show
Kingsway Gold Chip Logic (Gold Chip), Alyson & Kenlee Philips, Lingleville, TX
Milking Yearlings
Lellavan Avalanche Fuji (Avalanche), Almeida & Borba, Hilmar, CA
Oakfield Solomon Lou-ET (Solomon), Derek George, Arcade, NY
Crave G W Atwood Peach-ET (Atwood), Roseanne Crave, Waterloo, WI
Reyncrest Doorman Denali-ET (Doorman), Erin Harkenrider, Enonsburg, VT
KnH-Endres DB Jaycee-TW (Diamondback), Mikayla Endres, Lone Rock, WI

Junior Two-Year-Olds
Roll-N-View Byway Lighting (Byway), Allison Galton, Nunda, NY
Holbric GW ATwood A-Grain (Atwood), Elena Olbrich, Harvard, IL
Heart & Soul JK Dempsey Glitz (Dempsey), Matthew Boop, Millmont, PA
Ms Silks Archrival Sassy-ET (Archrival), Tessa VL & STella RB Schmocker, Whitewater, WI
Ms-Tora-Runaway Whiterose-ET (Gold Chip), Alek T & Brooke S. Krueger, Hazel Green, WI

Senior Two-Year-Olds
St-Jacob Blake Angel (Blake), Chase Savage, Union Bridge, MD
Pappys Doorman Rose-ET (Doorman) Alexis C. Papageorge, Farr West, UT
Erbacres Atwood Sabrina (Atwood), Payton Erbsen, Lanark, IL
Stempfle Doorman Glimmer (Doorman), Jessica Stempfle, Maynard, IA
JK-Stranshome Defiant Sassy (Defiant), Stransky & Kietzman, Owatonna, MN

Junior Three-Year-Olds
Butlerview Door Aleah (Doorman), Christian Cunningham, Penngrove, CA
Ms Hodglynn Brkw Bonus (Brokaw), Eva Doornink, Baldwin, WI
Synergy Anahiem Magnolia-ET (Anahiem), Jaquet & Haack, Pulaski, WI
Jerland Sh Goldwyn Gin-ET (Goldwyn), Joseph, Zach, Jerome & Darian Stransky, Owatonna, MN
Biercrest Chelios Tanysha (Chelios), Zach & Ally Bierschenk, Medina, OH

Senior Three-Year-Olds
Mapel Wood Kingboy Lacey-ET (Kingboy), Jacob Siemers, Newton, WI
Ms Sherona-Hill Riddle-ET (Absolute), Morgan & Adam Olbrich, Harvard, IL
Savage-Leigh Gold Lala-ET (Goldwyn), Chase Savage, Union Bridge, MD
Joliam R Penny 4751-ET (Reginald), Nicole Pralle, Humbird, WI
Lars-Acres Gwatwd Landi-ET (Atwood), Brooke Dane & Luke Trustem, Evansville, WI

Intermediate Champion
Lellavan Avalanche Fuji (Avalanche), Almeida & Borba, Hilmar, CA

Reserve Intermediate Champion
Butlerview Door Aleah (Doorman), Christian Cunningham, Penngrove, CA

Four-Year-Old Cows
Musthaven Goldwyn Jaelyn P (Goldwyn), Price & Cunningham, Martinton, IL
Ryan-Vu Gchip Claudette-ET (Gold Chip), Joseph Opsal, Blue Mounds, WI
Sunnyhome McCutchen Mildred (Mccutchen 1174), Connor K. Erbsen, Lanark, IL
Plum-Line Reginald Velour (Reginald), Brooke Carey, Titusville, PA
Mission-Bell Pitbull Oneida (Pitbull), Shaun T Jens & Svanah R. Barts, Sheboygan Falls, WI

Five-Year-Old Cows
Butlerview GC Awesome (Gold Chip), Grady & Lane Wendorf, Ixonia, WI
Millbrooke Atwood Ooh La La *Atwood), Regan Demmer, Peosta, IA
Al-Shor SDG MS Erin-ET (Hero 9701), Jordan Zoellner, Groton, SD
Webb View Betsy Sanchez (Sanchez), Brennan Woker, Greenville, IL
Ms Andis GW Astra- ET (Goldwyn), Matthew Boop, Millmont, PA

Aged Cows
Gamlake Destry Sallie (Destry), Samantha Gambonini, Petaluma, CA
Lovhill Braxton Funky-ET (Braxton), Joseph, Zach, Jerome & Darian Stransky, Owatonna, MN
Masal Sanchez Gail (Sanchez), Brad & Sophia Fuhrman, Millersburg, IN
Liddleholme -Y H G Rae-ET (Goldwyn), Arnie, Ashley & Andy Gruenes, Richmond, MN
Cache-Valley GC Jazzy Girl (Gold Chip), Xander Harris, Richmond, UT

150,000 lb class
Gildale Advent Primrose (Advent), Kalista, Kaianne & Kaydence Hodorff, Eden, WI
Sunrose Delaney (Dundee), Brant Gingerich, Millersburg, IN
Ocean-View Sterling Silver (Braxton), Mary & Naomi Scott, Westgate, IA
Holbric Bolton Blanket (Bolton), Morgan Olbrich, Harvard, IL

Champion Bred & Owned of the Junior Show
Gamlake Destry Sallie (Destry), Samantha Gambonini, Petaluma, CA
Senior Champion Female of the Junior Show
Gamlake Destry Sallie (Destry), Samantha Gambonini, Petaluma, CA
Reserve Senior Champion Female of the Junior Show
Lovhill Braxton Funky-ET (Braxton), Joseph, Zach, Jerome & Darian Stransky, Owatonna, MN

Grand Champion of the Junior Show
Gamlake Destry Sallie (Destry), Samantha Gambonini, Petaluma, CA

Reserve Grand Champion Female of the Junior Show
Lovhill Braxton Funky-ET (Braxton), Joseph, Zach, Jerome & Darian Stransky, Owatonna, MN
Honorable Mention Grand Champion
Lellavan Avalanche Fuji (Avalanche), Almeida & Borba, Hilmar, CA
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