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Midwest National Fall Holstein Show

Purebred Publishing

The Midwest National Fall Holstein Show has kicked off this morning in Minnesota with Pat Conroy judging. For all show photos visit the Midwest National Fall Holstein gallery at

Second place Spring Calf

Spring Heifer Calves

1: Ocean-View Heaven Sent-ET (Corvette) Owned by Ocean View Genetics, WI

2: Xcaret Doorman Maui (Doorman) Owned by: Tim Hoese, Kate & Cooper Heeren, MN

3: Sco-Lo Avalanche Roll On-ET (Avalanche) Owned by: M Sprecher, K Zapalac & S Paulson, WI

4: Pfaffsway Gold Chip Brew (Gold Chip) Owned by: Kole & Beau Trapp & Olivia Pfaff, WI

5: RBCC-Xtreme V Rainy Escape (Barnie) Owned by: Rhett D & Shanelle A Borth, WI

Second place Winter Calf

Winter Heifer Calves

1: Pfaffsway Defiant Jen A (Defiant) Owned by: Kole & Beau Trapp & Olivia Pfaff & Fred Ullom, WI

2: Intrigue Hypnotic Storm (Hypnotic) Owned by: Cory & Kendalyn Schmidt, MN

3: Sheeknoll Doorman Abby-ET ( Doorman) Owned by: Robert, Kelly, Krista & Andrew Sheehan, MN

4: Ocean-View Admire Me (Atwood) Owned by: Ocean View Genetics, WI

5: Stadview Esperanza Layla (Beemer) Owned by: Peyton & Tanner Morrison, MN

Second place Fall Calf

Fall Heifer Calves

1: Sunkist Mario Kiara (Mario) Owned by: Benjamin Nicholas Donnay, MN

2: Wildpfaffs Luck Bea Lady-ET (High Octane) Owned by: Kole & Beau Trapp & Olivia Pfaff, WI

3: Budjon-Crave Summerfest-ET (Crush) Owned by: Trevor Tuman & Chandler Bening, MN

4: RBCC-Xtreme V SOLM Evilseye (Soloman) Owned by: Rhett, Shanelle, Wyatt & Garett D Borth, WI

5: Willows-Edge GD Modest (Golden Dreams) Owned by: Jordan A. Van Dyk, WI

Second place Summer Yearling

Summer Yearling Heifers

1: Crest-View-Acres HLX Brooke (Helix) Owned by: Brody C Courtney, IA

2: Lida-Acres Solomon Taylor (Solomon) Owned by: Dana Johnson, MN

3: Hardscrabble 1ST Grade Glem (1ST Grade) Owned by: Hardscrabble Farms, WI

4: Stro-Lane Defier Lee (Defiant) Owned by: Patty Jo & Ronald Strobel, MN

5: Esperanza-CC Brady Leah ((Brady) Owned by: Hope, Tanner & Peyton Morrison, MN

Second place Spring Yearling

Spring Yearling Heifers

1: Stranshome Dempsey Tanielle (Dempsey) Owned by: Joseph, Zach, Jerome & Darian Stransky, MN

2: MS Pfaffsway BM Getyourgoat (Beemer) Owned by: Kole & Beau Trapp & Olivia Pfaff, WI

3: Triple-HH Door Breathless (Doorman) Owned by: Brooke A & Summer L Hammann, WI

4: Heatherstone High Class (Crush) Owned by: Heatherstone Enterprises, Inc., WI

5: Willows-Edge Doorman Lexi (Doorman) Owned by: Jordan & Claire Van Dyk, WI

Second place Winter Yearling

Winter Yearling Heifers

1: DJLPUREPRIDE BR Preachit-ET (Brady) Owned by: Kaylie Zapalac & Melissa Sprecher, TX

2: Johnan Corvette Danger-ET (Corvette) Owned by: Brooke A & Summer L Hammann, WI

3: MS Smith-Crest Avlnch Java (Avalanche) Owned by: Matthew & Kate Smith, WI

4: Heatherstone Msindependent (Byway) Owned by: Chelsea Leigh Holschbach, WI

5: Raylore Doorman Avonia (Doorman) Owned by: Luke A. Olson, MN

**Pictures Unavailable At This Time

Fall Yearling Heifers

1: Mahoney Cinderdoor Leandra (Cinderdoor) Owned by: Keith & Kay Mahoney, MN

2: Marshland Airlift Hypocrite (Airlift) Owned by: Marshland Farms, Inc., WI

3: Willows-Edge GD Maryland-ET (Golden Draems) Owned by: Bonnie L. Van Dyk, WI

4: Cross-Town Impress Iceberg (Impression) Owned by: Cross-Town Dairy, WI

5: Mahoney Defiant Rihanna-ET (Defiant) Owned by: Keith & Kay Mahoney, MN

Junior Champions of the Junior Show

Junior Champion:

Pfaffsway Defiant Jen A (Defiant) Owned by: Kole & Beau Trapp & Olivia Pfaff & Fred Ullom, WI (1st Winter Heifer Calf)

Reserve Junior Champion:

Intrigue Hypnotic Storm (Hypnotic) Owned by: Cory & Kendalyn Schmidt, MN (2nd Winter Heifer Calf)

Junior Champions of the MidWest National Fall Show

Junior Champion: Ocean-View Heaven Sent-ET (Corvette) Owned by Ocean View Genetics, WI (1st Spring Heifer Calf)

Reserve Junior Champion: Pfaffsway Defiant Jen A (Defiant) Owned by: Kole & Beau Trapp & Olivia Pfaff & Fred Ullom, WI (1st Winter Heifer Calf)

Honorable Mention Junior Champion: Intrigue Hypnotic Storm (Hypnotic) Owned by: Cory & Kendalyn Schmidt, MN (2nd Winter Heifer Calf)

Second place Milking Yearling

Milking Yearlings

1: Chelsea-BC Brady Angel (Brady) Owned by: Gale Hoese & Feltmann Dairy Farms LLC, MN

2: Sheeknoll Sid 2639-ET (Sid) Owned by: Sheeknoll Farms, MN

3: Heatherstone Dedicate (Diamondback) Owned by: Heatherstone Enterprises, Inc., WI

4: Belfontaine Doorman Daisy (Doorman) Owned by: Douglas Petzel

5: Heatherstone Ritzy-ET (Doorman) Owned by: Chelsea Leigh Holschbach, WI

Junior Two-Year-Olds

1: Ju-Lar Doorman Penny (Doorman) Owned by: Lindahl Farms LLC, MN

2: Stu-Felt Doorman Galaxy-ET (Doorman) Owned by: Andy Stuewe & Corey Feltmann, MN

3: Willows-Edge A MaybeNot-Red (Absolute) Owned by: Bonnie L. Van Dyk, WI

4: Mat-AR-Dor Diamondback Dana (Diamondback) Owned by: Jacob & Aiden Timmer & Andrew Zylstra, MN

5: MS Smith-Crest DRMN Lennox (Doorman) Owned by: Matt & Travis Smith & Seth Nehls, WI

Second place Senior Two

Senior Two-Year-Old

1: Linda-Acres Wood Andrea (Wood) Owned by: Dana Johnson, MN

2: Sheeknoll Beemer 2596-ET (Beemer) Owned by: Sheeknoll Farms, MN

3: JK-Stanshome Defiant Sassy (Defiant) J.,Z.,J.&D. Stransky & H.,R.&A. Kietzman, MN

4: Crisdhome Atwood Hardup-TW (Atwood) Owned by: Crisdhome Farm, Inc., WI

5: CastleHolm Armani Aligator (Armani) Owned by: Marty Castleberg & Donald Mayer, WI

Second place Junior Three

Junior Three-Year-Old

1: Oakfield GC Lolita-ET (Gold Chip) Owned by: Feltmann Dairy Farms LLC, MN

2: Roswitha Golden Dreams Misty (Golden Dreams) Owned by: Roswitha Holsteins LTD

3: Smith-Crest Armni Vivian-ET (Armani) Owned by: Matthew & Kate Smith, WI

4: Holmacres McCutchen Hillary (McCuthchen) Owned by: Holmacres Holstein Farm, MN

5: Heatherstone Just Do It-ET (Byway) Owned by: Chelsea Leigh Holschbach, WI

Senior Three-Year-Old

1: Corlane Seaver Misty (Seaver) Owned by: Frank D & Carol Borba & Frank A & Diane Borba

2: Milksource Defnt Tiffany-ET (Defiant) Owned by: Bonnie Van Dyk & Martin Kinyon, WI

3: Duckett Doorman Brook-ET (Doorman) Owned by: David & Cindy Hoese, MN

4: Heatherstone Cantina (Gold Chip) Owned by: Heatherstone Enterprises, Inc., WI

5: Crisdhome-LL Windbrk Ashley (Windbrook) Owned by: Jake Kruschke & Luke Lensmire, WI

Intermediate Champion: Linda-Acres Wood Andrea (Wood) Owned by: Dana Johnson, MN (1st Senior Two-Year-Old)

Reserve Intermediate Champion: Corlane Seaver Misty (Seaver) Owned by: Frank D & Carol Borba & Frank A & Diane Borba (1st Senior Three-Year-Old)

Honorable Mention Intermediate Champion: Ju-Lar Doorman Penny (Doorman) Owned by: Lindahl Farms LLC, MN (1st Junior Two-Year-Old)

Second place Four-Year-Old

Four-Year-Old Cows

1: Eastriver Goldwyn Deb 176 (Goldwyn) Owned by: Andy Stuewe & Corey Feltmann

2: Lida-Acres Wood Scarlett (Wood) Owned by: Gregory B. Johnson, MN

3: Willows-Edge Golds Matilda (Goldsun) Owne by: Jordan A. Van Dyk, WI

4: Jacobs Windbrook Dania-ET (Windbrook) Owned by: Cory Schmidt

5: Lingle Atwood Fire-ET (Atwood) Owned by: Christopher Van Dyk & Nathan Goldenberg, WI

Five-Year-Old Cows

1: Wake-Up Aftershock Raine-ET (Aftershock) Owned by: Aaron Houdek, MN

2: Winterbay Dude Guinness (Dude) Owned by: David & Cindy Hoese, MN

3: MS Stadview Atwood Felicia (Atwood) Owned by: Dillon Gratz, MN

4: Raylore-Satellite Laffy-ET (Windbrook) Owned by: Loren & Luke Olson, MN

5: Willows-Edge Atwood Frasia (Atwood) Owned by: Christopher J. Van Dyk, WI

Cows Six-Years-Old and Over

1: Liddleholme-Y H G Rae-ET (Goldwyn) Owned by: Arnold T, Ashley L & Andrew J Gruenes, MN

2: Crisdhome Durham Crayola-ET (Durham) Owned by: Jake Kruschke, WI

3: Jergens Damion Mango (Damion) Owned by: Robert A. Jergens, MN

4: Lida-Acres Ambition Fiona (Ambition) Owned by: Seth Rupprecht, MN

5: MS Monthurst Shotle Trix-ET (Shottle) Owned by: Rachael Rott, Henry P Bartel & Jerry A Muzzy, ND

150,000 LB Cows

1: Probert C Bree-Ella-Red (Contender) Owned by: Kate Smith, MN

2: Klein-Brook Ernie Valley ( Ernie) Owned by: Chris Schulze, MN

3: Four-Hands Super Clorisa (Superstition) Owned by: Four-Hands Holsteins, Inc., WI

4: Crisdhome Tartini Conceited (Altatartini) Owned by: Jake Kruschke, WI

Senior Champion: Eastriver Goldwyn Deb 176 (Goldwyn) Owned by: Andy Stuewe & Corey Feltmann

Reserve Senior Champion: Lida-Acres Wood Scarlett (Wood) Owned by: Gregory B. Johnson, MN

Honorable Mention Senior Champion: Liddleholme-Y H G Rae-ET (Goldwyn) Owned by: Arnold T, Ashley L & Andrew J Gruenes, MN (1st Six-Years-Old and Over)

Grand Champion (Junior): Liddleholme-Y H G Rae-ET (Goldwyn) Owned by: Arnold T, Ashley L & Andrew J Gruenes, MN (1st Six-Years-Old and Over)

Reserve Grand Champion (Junior): MS Stadview Atwood Felicia (Atwood) Owned by: Dillon Gratz, MN (3rd Five-Year-Old)

Grand Champion: Eastriver Goldwyn Deb 176 (Goldwyn) Owned by: Andy Stuewe & Corey Feltmann (1st Four-Year-Old Cow)

Reserve Grand Champion: Linda-Acres Wood Andrea (Wood) Owned by: Dana Johnson, MN (1st Senior Two-Year-Old)

Honorable Mention Grand Champion: Liddleholme-Y H G Rae-ET (Goldwyn) Owned by: Arnold T, Ashley L & Andrew J Gruenes, MN (1st Six-Years-Old and Over)


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