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National Association of Animal Breeders Seeking International Specialist

Purebred Publishing

The Association:

The National Association of Animal Breeders (NAAB) is located in Madison, Wisconsin and is the national trade association for businesses in the Untied States involved with artificial insemination of cattle. NAAB works directly with USDA, U.S. Embassies, appropriate Government Ministries and other global agencies to open and maintain trade access fro bovine semen throughout the world. U.S. genetic improvement programs have developed several breeds that are highly productive and are internationally recognized for their outstanding characteristics. This has allowed steady growth of the U.S. AI industry. NAAB is looking for someone with a passion for the cattle breeding industry that will help the association by directing international programs and activities, search for new opportunities that will benefit member organizations and foster continued industry growth globally.

The International Specialist will work closely with the President to carry out the business of the Association with a primary focus on international market development activities and trade servicing projects. The location of the position would be in Madison, Wisconsin.

Major Duties:

  • Develop and execute programs to build international relationships with relevant institutions to promote the development of markets for U.S. cattle genetics and market access for member organizations.

  • Indentify, evaluate and engage new opportunities for expanding NAAB services to AI companies both domestically and internationally.

  • Develop a working knowledge of Certified Semen Services, Inc. operations along with import and export requierements for bovine semen.

  • Promote the genetic evaluation system and indentify ways to increase the efficiency of data collection and distribution of genetic evaluation results to international members.

  • Support the President in carrying out Association business.


  • A minimum of a Bachelor's degree in Animal Science, Dairy Science or Agricultural Marketing with preference to those with advanced degrees.

  • A minimum of 10 years of experience in the AI industry or agricultural marketing field with preference to those with International experience.

  • A working knowledge of the AI industry and cattle genetic evaluations.

  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.

  • Excellent computer skills with working knowledge of Excel, Access and SQL.

  • An outstanding record of achievement and leadership in the cattle industry.

Qualified candidates should submit a cover letter and resume to:

Jay L. Weiker, President

National Association of Animal Breeders (

8413 Excelsior Drive, Suite 140

Madison, WI 53717, USA

(608) 827-0277


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