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Outstanding Junior Breeders Named by Holstein Association USA

Purebred Publishing

Holstein Association USA recognized several Junior members who breed and own exceptional Holstein cattle during the National Junior Holstein Convention, June 29 – July 3, in Acme, Michigan. The awards, based on type and production, are designed to reward and encourage Junior members to continue their excellent Registered Holstein breeding programs. All eligible cows are automatically screened for these awards on an annual basis. National Junior Star Performer Award The National Star Performer Award recognizes well-rounded Holstein cows with exceptional milk and component production, as well as admirable classification scores. The cow must be bred and still currently owned by their Junior Holstein breeder; have an RHA of at least 87%; be enrolled in Holstein Association USA’s TriStarSM production records program; have a 305-day or less lactation completed in the last calendar year, producing at least 25,000 pounds milk; and be classified Very Good-85 or higher. Once the eligible cows are determined, they are ranked based on a formula: (Combined ME Fat and Protein + Age Adjusted Classification Score) x (Breed Average ME CFP/Breed Average Age Adjusted Score). Annually, ten cows are recognized with this honor, with the highest-ranking cow being designated as the National Junior Star Performer. The 2017 National Junior Star Performer is Ryan-VU Chelios Mocha owned by Dylan and Cameron Ryan of Wisconsin. Mocha is classified Excellent-92 at 3-05, and calving in at 2-01, has a 297-day production record of 26,910 pounds of milk, with 1,396 pounds of fat and 919 pounds of protein. Continuing, the top 10 winners of this esteemed award for 2017 are: 2nd place: Siemers McCutch Berrina, owned by Jordan and Connor Siemers, Wis. 3rd place: Lars-Acres Ovr Faceplant-ET, owned by Brooke, Dane and Luke Trustem, Wis. 4th place: K-Lane Alou Radar, owned by Riley Koehn, Ill. 5th place: Doorco Epic Bubbles, owned by Austin Vandertie, Wis. 6th place: Hi-Lo-Valley Atwood Leonora, owned by Austin Yager, Wis. 7th place: Roll-N-View Mogul Clatter, owned by Allison Galton, N.Y. 8th place: Four-Hills EP Razmataz 5069, owned by Jonathan Hill, Vt. 9th place: Siemers Doorman Holycow, owned by Jordan Siemers, Wis. 10th place: Stone-Front Baltimr Sweetie, owned by James Buttles, Wis. National Cream of the Crop Award The National Cream of the Crop Award recognizes the top 75 Junior-owned Registered Holstein cows that have produced the highest combined pounds of fat and protein during a 305-day lactation. To be eligible for this award, cows must meet the following criteria: be owned by a current Holstein Association USA Junior member; have an RHA of at least 87%; be enrolled in the TriStar production records program; and have a 305-day or less record of over 30,000 pounds of milk completed during the calendar year, with the entire lactation being completed while the animal is under youth ownership. Once the pool of eligible cows is determined, cows are ranked on total pounds of fat and protein produced during the lactation. First place in the 2017 Cream of the Crop award is Smith-Crest-TW SH Virgie-ET owned by Paul Grulke of Wisconsin. Virgie is classified Excellent-95 2E, and calving in at 6-04, had a 305-day production record of 44,710 pounds of milk, with 1,784 pounds of fat and 1,296 pounds of protein. Rounding out the top 10 Cream of the Crop winners for 2017 are: 2nd place: Bur-Le-Acres Destry Dagney, owned by Brooke Arnold, Pa. 3rd place: Mikelholm Windbrook Rory-ET, owned by Emily Mikel, N.Y. 4th place: Lars-Acres Felices Felix-ET, owned by Brooke, Dane and Luke Trustem, Wis. 5th place: Joliam Dusk Radia 4370-RED, owned by Nicole Pralle, Wis. 6th place: Cow-Palace Hero Mystery, owned by Savanna Ridge, Wis. 7th place: Siemers McCutch Rio, owned by Jordan Siemers, Wis. 8th place: Tramilda Atwood Mocha, owned by Taylor Smith, Tenn. 9th place: Joliam Dusk 4309, owned by Nicole Pralle, Wis. 10th place: Mil-R-Mor Sanchez Dulce, owned by Kaylen Miller, Ill. National Junior 150,000 Pound Lifetime Production Award Junior members who own a cow which has produced over 150,000 pounds of milk in her lifetime are eligible to earn the National 150,000 Pound Cow award. This year's honorees are Levi Banowetz, Iowa; Jarrod Bowman, Ohio; Madison Calvert, Wis.; McKenzie Calvert, Wis.; Payton Calvert, Wis.; Taylor Currie, N.Y.; Samantha Gambonini, Calif.; Madison Garvin, Tenn.; Megan Hill, Vt.; Brook Hoff, Md.; Emily Irwin, Ill.; Kyle Jackson, Pa.; Jennifer King, N.Y.; Jeff Koster, Texas; Benjamin Kronberg, Wis.; Emily Mikel, N.Y.; Madison Mowrer, Pa.; Geneva Nunes, Wis.; Taylor Paye, Wis.; Monica Schaapman, Ga.; Oliver Schmitz, Kan.; Connor Siemers, Wis.; Jordan Siemers, Wis.; Garrett Steinberger, Texas; and Morgan Stump, Pa. National Junior 200,000 Pound Lifetime Production Award The National 200,000 Pound Cow award honors youth owning a cow who has produced 200,000 pounds of milk in her lifetime, entirely under the ownership of the youth. Receiving the award this year are James Buttles, Wis.; Connor Siemers, Wis.; and Jordan Siemers, Wis. Other recognition Holstein Association USA Junior members can achieve include the National Junior Breeder of an Excellent Cow Award and National Junior Breeder of a Multiple “E” Cow Award. Find complete lists of all Junior award honorees at, under Junior Awards in the main menu.


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