Dairy farmers come together to build a social media strategy for their dairy farms

The evolution of social media has created an environment that allows for engagement direct to consumers. It has dramatically altered the way in which consumers find, analyze and react to information. To prepare dairy farmers for strategic consumer engagement, the Professional Dairy Producers® (PDPW) announce the PDPW Social Media Strategy Workshop, repeating in two locations on Apr. 5 and 6, 2018 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., in Kewaunee and Greenwood, Wis., respectively.
The program will be presented exclusively for dairy farmers at two on-farm training sites:
Thur., April 5: Pagel's Ponderosa Dairy, N4893 County Rd. C, Kewaunee, WI 54216
Fri., April 6: Boon Farms, N6634 State Hwy 73, Greenwood, WI 54437
The training, led by Robin Brannin, Director of Digital Strategy with leading food and agricultural communications firm MorganMyers, will provide attendees the vision, tools and analysis strategies needed to effectively plan and create a digital presence for their farm. Attendees will learn how to:
Plan and identify target audiences
Create compelling content, promotions and ad campaigns
Monitor, measure and analyze performance
Manage conflict in a digital space
Realize and engage in partnerships with influencers and community
To learn more about the PDPW Social Media Strategy Workshop and to register visit www.pdpw.org or contact PDPW at 1-800-947-7379.
The PDPW Social Media Strategy Workshop is an accredited training and offers up to 7.0 Dairy AdvanCE continuing education units (CEUs). To learn more or secure credits, visit www.DairyAdvance.org.
"Professional Dairy Producers (PDPW) is the nation's largest dairy producer-led organization of its kind, focusing on producer professionalism, stakeholder engagement and unified outreach to share ideas, solutions, resources and experiences that help dairy producers succeed."