On April 14, 2018, an offering of some of the most elite dairy cattle will be presented for sale in the heart of Ohio’s dairyland, Wooster, Ohio. Springhill, owned by Chris, Tom, Karen, and Kendra Lang of Big Prairie, Ohio, will sell approximately 150 high-end calves, bred heifers, cows, bulls and embryo packages of their combined Holstein and Guernsey herd at the Wayne County Fairgrounds in Wooster, Ohio.
The Springhill prefix is well known throughout the industry as breeders of multiple All-Americans, strong cow families, top producing dairy cattle, AI sires and world-class genetics in multiple breeds. Home of the world- renowned Holstein “‘Hope”’ family and Guernsey “‘Joke”’ family, the farm was established in 1819 as a registered Guernsey herd. Since that time, Springhill has continued to produce excellent representations in both the Holstein and Guernsey breeds. The farm has been named the Top DHI herd for rolling herd average in Ohio for both breeds, and have had over 65 Open and Junior Guernsey All-American Nominations. Most recently, at the 2017 World Dairy Expo, their extensive breeding efforts have proven themselves, being the breeders of the Premier Sire of the heifer show with Springhill J Lone Star-ET, and with Springhill Mentor Jazzy-ET EX 94 named the 2017 Grand Champion!
The Lang family has striven to find the best matings for their herd, and do their best to provide other breeders with their bloodlines as well. Holstein and Guernsey breeders from around the globe are familiar with numerous Active AI bulls, past and present.
“This is not the end of Springhill, hence the name of the sale, The Springhill Encore,” said Chris Lang. “We plan to continue the growth of the Springhill legacy with a fewer number of select animals.”
Kiko Auction Company, Guernsey Marketing Service, and the Ohio Holstein Association will be assisting the Springhill family to present this one-of-a-kind offering on April 14. Cowbuyer will also be available for online bidding the day of the sale. More information will be presented in the near future on the specific animals that will be offered in Wooster mid-April. Watch the Facebook pages of Guernsey Marketing Service, Ohio Holstein Association and Springhill Holsteins & Guernseys, as well as the websites ohioholstein.com and holsteinworld.com for more.