The Western National Spring Show was held in Richmond, Utah on May 17 & 18. Yan Jacobs of Canada served as the official judge.

Taking top honors was A Gillette Windbrook-ETS daughter from the Utah State University. Utag Windbrook Eclipse EX-93 was the first-place Aged Cow and Senior and Grand Champion of the show. Reserve Grand was Intermediate Champion and winning Sr. 2, Ruann Doorman Jean-55162-ET, a Doorman bred and owned by Stephan and Patrick Maddox of California. Honorable Mention was the Reserve Intermediate Champion and a Sr. 3, Ms Barb Act Beauty-Red-ET owned by G. & M. Schmidt, P. Conroy & M. Berry of California. The Action daughter is scored VG-88.
Grand of the Junior Show was Pappys Doorman Rose-ET a Doorman Sr. 2 exhibited by Alexis Papageorge, UT. Reserve honors went to Fern-Oak Meridian 24606-TW a Meridian Four-Year-Old owned by G. Maddox & J,D,L,A,H,M,F & G Fernandez, CA
Photo by Ashley Shaffer, Purebred Publishing. For more photos and coverage see the next issue of the Holstein World and